You know Leo, right? Former head honcho of NYC indie band The Chordaes, folk-rock maestro, modern Renaissance man, lovely beard, voice like a nice big fat cigar? That’s the one. 

And now he’s back, back, back with another solo song, Born Too Late, which is nothing short of gorgeous. Like, really gorgeous. Like, we’ve had it on a loop since the sun rose. Sultry, sexy, a beat that just won’t quit and Leo’s voice as mellifluous as they get, it’s an earworm for every and any moment of the day. 

The central narrative is basically major FOMO, but in Leo’s hands, it has an urgent and wise poignancy. 

It’s about the frustration of feeling I’ve missed out on the best days of humanity,’ says Leo. ‘It asks whether it’s worth it to build a life, given how inevitable the destruction of society seems currently.’

And so say all of us. On repeat, ‘cause “Born Too Late”is a corker. 
